I have an Aunty that prepares very nice meals, don’t we all have one? Mine though is a chef by profession and is always busy on most weekends with functions to cater to. I attended one of the functions that she catered to. Food time, the best time of any Ugandan function reached. The tables were set, so was the food and so was I. I joined the queue, on the guidance of an usher, and patiently waited.  

Now depending on the Ugandan function, you attend, chicken pieces never last the entire food session. Ken, a friend had sat at the table that was closer to the serving station than mine. He winked at me with such a smile. His smile covered his entire face, okay not his entire face but half of it, because he was ahead of me and the probability that he was likely to get chicken and I wasn’t was very high. He served and returned to his table. He had missed out on the chicken. 

My turn came and I served myself. Nosooner had I made my way to the end of the table than my Aunty appeared with a ‘are you serious’ look all over her. She called me to the side and rebuked me for lining up to serve food well knowing that she was the chef. Oh, how I love African mums! I had that look. The one a child has right before denying something that they have just done. She pulled my plate of food and told me to wait. I was happy. I knew chicken was on its way, on my plate.

 Soon, a platter was brought for me. Yes, not a plate but a platter. My stomach growled by looking at the food. Suddenly I was too hungry! The platter comprised of several chicken pieces in comparison to the one I would have got in queue. I couldn’t go back to the table.  No, it had nothing to do with my friend. The platter couldn’t fit on the table. I signaled to my friend to join me and he wore this smile like he had been hungry for a month. Well, whatever happened to the platter is a story for another day.

The story of my aunt and the food platter came back to me when Moses Mukisa (Mosze)was speaking at the Fearless Conference. His message was arranged around the theme “Commotion at the Gate”. In the presentation, Mosze explained how Christians stay at the gate instead of moving in. We become Christian and don’t grow. Same way I queued up to get the chicken yet I had a platter waiting. Christians that have been born again for some time are still queueing up to be prayed for. We are causing commotion at the gate. We need to move deeper to allow those that are just coming through entry.

Mosze expounded on Hebrews 11. The final punch of his message came when he read the last two verses;

39These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, 40 since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.

Then it occurred to me that I had more potential than I could ever use. I should have more faith than Abraham had, I should offer better than Abel did and I can do more than Moses, David or any of them Old Testament men did. Samson killed 3000 people in a single day in an era before bombs had been invented. These men did mighty things. One of David’s men stood his ground and fought an entire army alone. Chuck Norris where are you at? Another went into a pit, just to kill a lion! You know, kill it and move on.

Okay, I am not going to kill anyone. Don’t be worried. I am just illustrating when the Bible tells me that I have more than they did, I bet you understand what it means. Mosze concluded by telling us that our capacity to create wealth is better than what Solomon had. If you are a regular Bible reader, you have read that this guy Solomon created so much wealth in Israel that the streets where littered with Gold. But I can do more than him.

I have more on the inside of me than these men. Iam deciding to step into my destiny and walk in this power. Its not a reserve for me. You too have it if you in Christ. Release it and start walking in your victory. It will be a sad moment when you are shown what was meant for you, but you did not take it.