In the next four weeks (so help me God),  I will be posting about the Fearless Conference that I recently attended in Nairobi. There was a lot to learn that I don’t want you to miss out on or forget, because you are my friends. Yes, some of you are friends that I have never met, others are friends I have known for some time and others are potential friends.

Speaking of friendships, I made a few in Nairobi. I met some amazing people. With these, it hardly felt like we had just met. Eve, a friend I had only chatted to but never met, picked me from the airport. She had been there waiting in the cold. I was driven out of Nairobi and eventually to a house so beautiful it made me wish there was never work. Only that it wasn’t mine.

There was food, water, fruits, drinks, paid T.V, fast internet, conversations, mosquito nets. Etc. I was living a good life. There was free transport to and from the conference, lots of laughter and great conversations. My cost to get all this: zero. Nothing!  

I believe this is what the wise man had in mind when he said that there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. Eve, Winnie, C.K, Moses, Joshua, Patricia and Alice became family. Prior to the Nairobi meeting, I had only met Joshua, my MC leader. The rest were fearless influencers I met through the harvest institute and fearless institute.  One is justified when one doubts that we had met for the first in Nairobi. We are a family now, sharing our lives daily and looking forward to more meetings like an upcoming one this September. I know for a fact we will continue the meet ups. Through this our meeting, I confirmed that there are many good friends that I haven’t yet met.

You too have friends. Celebrate them. Most times our friends don’t even know how much we treasure them. We live from day to day with them without ever pausing to reflect on the good thing we have with them.

So today I celebrate all my friends through this blog. I will call and hug some. Iam writing notes to others as well as surprise a few. Why? My friends need to know how I feel about them when they are still alive.

I will also go out and make me a new friend. I will turn a stranger into a friend and I can’t imagine what the world will be if we all do that. It will be one gathering of friends. Today is world’s friendship day. Yes, it is so don’t argue. Don’t google. You don’t need google to tell you that everyday should be world friendship day. Celebrate your friends and make some new ones.


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